Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum provides opportunities for our students to thrive and is carefully designed to promote their holistic development and prepare them for their futures. We inspire, empower, and equip our students with the necessary tools for a successful transition within education or into employment, where they can make a positive and meaningful contribution to society.
We focus on creating a safe and supportive environment where our students embrace vulnerability and develop meaningful connections. We believe that to truly learn, students need to feel comfortable making mistakes and have the confidence to be brave. Our relational approach to education ensures that our students are not afraid to take risks, genuinely enjoying the process of learning, and our application of cognitive science, through the delivery of core knowledge blocks, reduces cognitive load and encourages positive engagement.
Through time invested in getting to know our students we recognise gaps in learning and no matter what point they join us they are given the foundational knowledge to succeed at the different levels of learning in all subject areas.  Across all sites and key stages, we make learning meaningful and relevant, delivering an all through curriculum, building on knowledge threads introduced in primary and flowing through to Key Stage 4. Where students are unable to access our onsite curriculum, we provide bespoke pathways, allowing students to focus on key literacy and numeracy skills alongside an individualised vocational offer designed to engage them on their own supportive route to success.
We believe in bringing learning to life by connecting the classroom to real-life situations and future career paths, exposing our students to industry and providing opportunities to connect with external organisations and professionals in various fields. By taking this approach, students can see how their education directly relates to their future goals, instilling within our students a sense of excitement and curiosity about their academic studies, encouraging them to actively participate in their own learning journey.

If you require any additional information regarding the curriculum, please do no hesitate to contact the school office.

‘A Culture of Success’